Welcome to the West Vancouver Yacht Club website

Sponsor Requirements

When sponsoring a prospective new Member, the first responsibility is to the Club and its members, not the applicant.

As an advocate for the applicant, you are taking responsibility for the applicant’s character and background. All Sponsors are required to submit written reference for the applicant. and demonstrate a substantial personal knowledge of the applicant’s character and background and be confident that the applicant will be a good WVYC Member.

A Sponsor agrees to act as a mentor and goodwill ambassador for the applicant and undertake to assist in the integration of the applicant into the Club’s organization and culture. They will be responsible for ensuring the applicant understands the rules and policies of the Club.

Sponsors must be WVYC Members in good standing. Written references from a Member and their spouse counts as one “Sponsor”. Direct family relations may act as one of the two “Sponsors” required per applicant

Sponsors are encouraged to speak with the Club Secretary for any advice with the guidelines. The letters must include length of acquaintance and reasons the applicant should be considered for membership

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